Course curriculum

    1. Introduction: The Volatility Opportunity in Digital Assets

    2. Video 1: Bitcoin as Money

    3. Video 2: Bitcoin as Technology

    1. Video 1: Structural Underpinnings of Volatility

    2. Video 2: Volatility as an Asset Class

    1. Video 1: A Primer to Behavioral Finance

    1. Video 1: Avoiding Data Mining

    1. Video 1: Bitcoin

About this course

  • 8 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Digital Assets Education with Risk Management in Mind

We'll cover what's most important to investors who approach Digital Assets prudently, including:

  • Bitcoin as an Asset Class

    Bitcoin is a burgeoning technology and the fastest growing asset of all time. It should be approached as an asset class, similar to that of fixed income or alternatives.

  • Digital Assets & Volatility

    It's no secret that investing in digital assets comes with major movements to both the upside and the downside. With downside mitigation in mind, we'll speak to how volatility can be harnessed in this new asset class.

  • Momentum, Hedge Fund Replication, and it's Application to Digital Assets

    A majority of the crypto solutions for investors are long-only, passive strategy. We'll take a look at the momentum, and how it could be applied to digital assets.

Digital Assets adoption is rapidly growing. Prepare yourself today.

Enroll today for this in-depth, technical course put together by IDX Digital Assets